
Continuous Planning € 39,95
Continuous Planning

Planningstechnieken zoals balanced scorecard, enterprise architectuur, product vision, roadmap, epic one pager, product backlog management, release planning en sprint planning worden hier besproken.Continuous Planning is een aanpak om grip te krijgen op veranderingen die aangebracht worden in de informatievoorziening teneinde de outcome verbetering van de bedrijfsprocessen te realiseren en daarmee de bedrijfsdoelen te behalen. De aanpak is gericht op meer niveaus waarbij voor elke niveau een Agile planningstechniek wordt aangereikt die de hoger liggende planning verfijnt. Op deze manier kan er zowel op strategische tactisch als operationeel niveau een planning worden gemaakt en wel op een Agile wijze die zo min mogelijk overhead en zoveel mogelijk waarde creëren. Dit boek is een publicatie in de Continuous Everything reeks. De content bestaat uit de bespreking van de planningstechnieken zoals de balanced scorecard, enterprise architectuur, product vision, roadmap, epic one pager, product backlog management, release planning en sprint planning. Tevens wordt aangegeven hoe deze technieken aan elkaar zijn gerelateerd. Daarnaast geeft dit boek aan hoe Continuous Planning in te richten in uw organisatie op basis van het paradigma van de verander-manager en architectuurprincipes en -modellen. Met deze integrale agile benadering van planning heeft u een krachtig gereedschap in handen om de strategie van uw organisatie planmatig op te pakken en daarmee uw bedrijfsdoelen te realiseren.

Continuous Everything € 119,95
Continuous Everything

Bundeling van 8 titels: Continuous Planning, Continuous Design, Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Learning en Continuous AssessmentContinuous Everything is de verzamelnaam van alle Continuous ontwikkelingen die er momenteel gaande zijn in de wereld op het gebied van DevOps. Door deze onder één noemer te laten vallen kan er structuur worden aangebracht aan de individuele ontwikkelingen en kunnen op basis van patterns best practices worden gedefinieerd. Het begrip ‘Continuous’ omvat de termen: outcome driven development, incrementeel & iteratief ontwikkelen, waste reductie door een Lean aanpak, holistisch werken door people, process, partner & technology in scope mee te nemen en continue aandacht geven aan een op te leveren product of service in de hele levenscyclus vanuit een end-to-end benadering. Dit boek is een bundeling van acht Continuous Everything boeken te weten: Continuous Planning: Continuous Design, Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Learning en Continuous Assessment. Voor elk Continuous Everything aspectgebied wordt aangegeven hoe deze in te richten in uw organisatie op basis van het paradigma van de verandermanager en architectuurprincipes en -modellen. Tevens worden per aspectgebied de best practices besproken. Met dit boek in de hand heeft u een krachtig gereedschap om u verder te bekwamen op het gebied van DevOps.

Continuous Operations € 69,50
Continuous Operations

Dit boek is een bundeling van 4 Continuous Everything boeken te weten: 1. Continuous Deployment 2. Continuous Monitoring 3. Continuous Learning 4. Continuous AssessmentContinuous Everything is de verzamelnaam van alle Continuous ontwikkelingen die er momenteel gaande zijn in de DevOps wereld. Door deze onder één noemer te laten vallen kan er structuur worden aangebracht aan de individuele ontwikkelingen en kunnen op basis van patterns best practices worden gedefinieerd. Het begrip ‘Continuous’ omvat de termen: outcome driven development, incrementeel & iteratief werken, waste reductie door een Lean aanpak, holistisch werken door people, process, partner & technology in de scope mee te nemen en continue aandacht geven aan een op te leveren product of service in de hele levenscyclus vanuit een end-to-end benadering. Dit boek is een bundeling van 4 Continuous Everything boeken te weten: 1. Continuous Deployment 2. Continuous Monitoring 3. Continuous Learning 4. Continuous Assessment Voor elk Continuous Everything aspectgebied wordt aangegeven hoe deze in te richten in uw organisatie op basis van het paradigma van de verandermanager en architectuurprincipes en -modellen. Tevens worden per aspectgebied de best practices besproken. Met dit boek in de hand heeft u een krachtig gereedschap om u verder te bekwamen op het gebied van DevOps.

Continuous Control € 82,50
Continuous Control

Dit boek is een bundeling van 4 Continuous Everything boeken te weten: 1. Continuous Auditing 2. Continuous Security 3. Continuous SLA 4. Continuous AssessmentContinuous Everything is de verzamelnaam van alle Continuous ontwikkelingen die er momenteel gaande zijn in de DevOps wereld. Door deze onder één noemer te laten vallen kan er structuur worden aangebracht aan de individuele ontwikkelingen en kunnen op basis van patterns best practices worden gedefinieerd. Het begrip ‘Continuous’ omvat de termen: outcome driven development, incrementeel & iteratief werken, waste reductie door een Lean aanpak, holistisch werken door people, process, partner & technology in de scope mee te nemen en continue aandacht geven aan een op te leveren product of service in de hele levenscyclus vanuit een end-to-end benadering. Dit boek is een bundeling van 4 Continuous Everything boeken te weten: 1. Continuous Auditing 2. Continuous Security 3. Continuous SLA 4. Continuous Assessment Voor elk Continuous Everything aspectgebied wordt aangegeven hoe deze in te richten in uw organisatie op basis van het paradigma van de verandermanager en architectuurprincipes en -modellen. Tevens worden per aspectgebied de best practices besproken. Met dit boek in de hand heeft u een krachtig gereedschap om u verder te bekwamen op het gebied van DevOps.

DevOps Continuous Architecture € 69,50
DevOps Continuous Architecture

DevOps Continuous Architecture focuses on ensuring that the organizational strategy is achieved by providing direction for the innovation and management of the information provision required for this.This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of a discussion of the value streams for the realization of the SOR, SOE and SOS systems. It also contains example architecture principles and models for each Continuous Everything value stream. This holistic approach to Continuous Architecture enables optimal and integrated implementation for both the development and management of the information provision of the entire organization that is necessary for the realization of the organizational strategy.

DevOps Continuous Acceptance € 56,45
DevOps Continuous Acceptance

DevOps Continuous Acceptance focuses on accepting new and modified products and services produced in an Agile environment.In this CE value stream, the specific acceptance criteria are derived from the business value streams by looking for the risks that the business goals are not achieved. The countermeasures for these risks are tested for effectiveness through acceptance tests. By analogy, the generic acceptance criteria are derived from the CE value streams that flesh out the DevOps Lemniscate. This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of the discussion of the derivation of acceptance criteria. An example elaboration is also given for specific acceptance criteria and a number of generic acceptance criteria are given for the following value streams: Continuous Planning, Continuous Design, Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous AI, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Learning, Continuous Security, Continuous Auditing, Continuous SLA and Continuous Assessment.

DevOps Continuous AI € 56,45
DevOps Continuous AI

Continuous AI focuses on increasing the outcome of CE aspect areas such as the value streams Continuous Testing and Continuous Integration.The bottlenecks of CE value streams are located in the form of limitations (performance) and boundaries (functionality). These bottlenecks can be reduced or removed through AI application areas, such as using Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of the discussion of AI application areas for all published CE aspect areas. For each step of each value stream, it is indicated what the possibilities of AI are now or in the future. The value streams involved are: Continuous Planning, Continuous Design, Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Learning, Continuous Security, Continuous Auditing, Continuous SLA and Continuous Assessment. This gives you a tool to apply AI in your organization in a structured and effective way.

DevOps Continuous Everything an Introduction € 39,95
DevOps Continuous Everything an Introduction

With this book you have a good overview of what Continuous Everything entails.Continuous Everything is the collective name for all Continuous developments that are currently going on in the DevOps world. By placing these under one heading, structure can be applied to individual developments and best practices can be defined on the basis of patterns. The term 'Continuous' includes the terms: outcome driven development, incremental & iterative working, waste reduction through a Lean approach, holistic working by including people, process, partner & technology in the scope and giving continuous attention to a deliverable product or service across the entire lifecycle from an end-to-end approach.

DevOps Continuous SLA € 56,45
DevOps Continuous SLA

Continuous SLA focuses on recognising risks that can harm the outcome of business processes (core value streams).Risks arise as a result of new construction and maintenance of information systems through Agile teams. Within the concept of Continuous SLA, these risks are analysed from different perspectives and provided with countermeasures by the DevOps team, also known as SLA controls. By making these SLA controls measurable, they become suitable planning objects that can be placed on the product backlog. This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of the discussion of techniques to identify and manage risks such as the use of Lean indicators, value stream mapping and information, application and technical architecture building blocks. In addition to the core value streams, the enable value streams such as services management, information security and development value streams are also examined for risks that directly or indirectly harm the outcome. The recognized SLA controls are anchored in the Agile way of working by deepening the collaboration between, among others, the product owner and service level manager. This integrated approach to SLA controls makes it possible to get grip on quality in Agile projects.

DevOps Continuous Security € 56,45
DevOps Continuous Security

Continuous security is an approach that aims to keep an organization in control from three perspectives: 1. The business perspective: Business value streams are in control of the identified risks by continuously testing the effectiveness of the controls deployed and recording evidence. 2. The development perspective: Development value streams are in control by integrally including the non-functional requirements for information security in the development. 3. The operations perspective: Operations value streams are in control for the production of the new and changed ICT services through an adequate design of the CI/CD secure pipeline in which controls automatically test the non-functional requirements. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of a discussion of the application of ISO 27001 on the basis of three sets of security practices, namely Governance, Risk and Quality. The practices are provided with a definition and objective. In addition, examples and best practices are given. The continuous security concept is designed to be used in Agile Scrum (development) and DevOps (Development & Operations) environments. To this end, it connects seamlessly to common Agile management models. This Agile approach to information security provides you with a powerful tool to get a grip on the compliance of your Agile system development and management.

DevOps Continuous Control € 82,50
DevOps Continuous Control

This book is a collection of 4 Continuous Everything books, namely: 1. Continuous Auditing 2. Continuous Security 3. Continuous SLA 4. Continuous AssessmentContinuous Everything is the collective name for all Continuous developments that are currently going on in the DevOps world. By placing these under one heading, structure can be applied to individual developments and best practices can be defined on the basis of patterns. The term 'Continuous' includes the terms: outcome driven development, incremental & iterative working, waste reduction through a Lean approach, holistic working by including people, process, partner & technology in the scope and giving continuous attention to a deliverable product or service across the entire lifecycle from an end-to-end approach. This book is a collection of 4 Continuous Everything books, namely: 1. Continuous Auditing 2. Continuous Security 3. Continuous SLA 4. Continuous Assessment For each Continuous Everything aspect area it is indicated how to organize it in your organization based on the change manager paradigm and architecture principles and models. The best practices are also discussed per aspect area. With this book in hand, you have a powerful tool to further your DevOps skills.

DevOps Continuous Development € 69,50
DevOps Continuous Development

This book is a collection of 4 Continuous Everything books, namely: 1. Continuous Planning 2. Continuous Design 3. Continuous Testing 4. Continuous IntegrationContinuous Everything is the collective name for all Continuous developments that are currently going on in the DevOps world. By placing these under one heading, structure can be applied to individual developments and best practices can be defined on the basis of patterns. The term 'Continuous' includes the terms: outcome driven development, incremental & iterative working, waste reduction through a Lean approach, holistic working by including people, process, partner & technology in the scope and giving continuous attention to a deliverable (product or service) across the entire lifecycle from an end-to-end approach. This book is a collection of 4 Continuous Everything books, namely: 1. Continuous Planning 2. Continuous Design 3. Continuous Testing 4. Continuous Integration For each Continuous Everything aspect area it is indicated how to organise it in your organisation based on the change manager paradigm and architecture principles and models. The best practices are also discussed per aspect area. With this book in hand, you have a powerful tool to further your DevOps skills.