DevOps Continuous Outcome € 56,45
DevOps Continuous Outcome

To really implement BizDevOps, the worlds of business and DevOps must work together more closely. This is only possible if they speak the same language. Continuous Outcome provides substance to this by considering the business value streams from a Continuous Everything perspective. This was done by using the DevOps Lemniscate to describe the steps of a business value stream. Of course, the business value streams are unique per organization, but at an abstract level they are also value streams that are developed and managed. This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of mapping Continuous Everything best practices to the way of working of the business. After the definition of the Continuous Outcome value stream, it is examined for each use case from that value stream which Continuous Everything best practices can be applied and what the importance is of having the business and IT to work together in this.

Dalton plan € 25,95
Dalton plan

Dr. Piet van der Ploeg lectures Philosophy of Education at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. His research interests include the history of reform education and the philosophy of citizenship education. Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the 1920s and 1930s, Dalton education was spread throughout the world. At the moment the Netherlands is the country with the highest density of Dalton schools. Almost four hundred elementary schools (five percent of all) are Dalton schools. This historical and theoretical study gives an account of the practice and the theory of the Dalton Plan. Next it discusses the background and context of the Dalton Plan. It also compares the Dalton Plan to other critical and innovative approaches to education. Helen Parkhurst was herself not keen on historical and theoretical exercises. This study shows that historical and theoretical research is interesting nonetheless. It demonstrates the distinctiveness of Dalton education, for instance: *that learning by experience is not the same as learning by doing and that experience doesn't have the same role for Parkhurst as it does for other reformers; *that there are important differences between working with assignments in the Dalton Plan and working with materials in the Montessori Method; *that the Dalton Plan holds efficiency as its main objective, whilst at the same time opposing the efficiency-hype seen at the beginning of the twentieth century; *that the meaning of cooperation in the Dalton Plan is not the same as what we usually mean by this; *that Parkhurst's school as a community distinguishes itself from Dewey's school as a community; and *that freedom in the Dalton Plan is something other than freedom of choice.

DevOps Continuous Acceptance € 56,45
DevOps Continuous Acceptance

In this CE value stream, the specific acceptance criteria are derived from the business value streams by looking for the risks that the business goals are not achieved. The countermeasures for these risks are tested for effectiveness through acceptance tests. By analogy, the generic acceptance criteria are derived from the CE value streams that flesh out the DevOps Lemniscate. This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of the discussion of the derivation of acceptance criteria. An example elaboration is also given for specific acceptance criteria and a number of generic acceptance criteria are given for the following value streams: Continuous Planning, Continuous Design, Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous AI, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Learning, Continuous Security, Continuous Auditing, Continuous SLA and Continuous Assessment.

Dalton IDee boekjes € 1,20
Dalton IDee boekjes

Dalton IDee (voorheen Dalton Paspoort). Kwantumkortingen worden automatisch gegeven als u meerdere exemplaren tegelijkertijd bestelt van dit artikel: 10 of meer exemplaren: 5% korting 30 of meer exemplaren: 10% korting 100 of meer exemplaren: 15% korting

DevOps Continuous Architecture € 69,50
DevOps Continuous Architecture

This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of a discussion of the value streams for the realization of the SOR, SOE and SOS systems. It also contains example architecture principles and models for each Continuous Everything value stream. This holistic approach to Continuous Architecture enables optimal and integrated implementation for both the development and management of the information provision of the entire organization that is necessary for the realization of the organizational strategy.

Nian € 14,99

Dit is een verhaal van heel lang geleden. Ergens in de bergen waar geen mensen leven, leeft nog een familie van monsters die een vredig leven leiden. Ze grazen gras, bloemen en kleine bomen, maar het liefst eten ze kersen, donkerrode sappige kersen. Op een dag trokken mensen de vallei in en de rust van de monsterfamilie was verdwenen. Hoe gaat dit aflopen? Een spannend verhaal over vriendschap en over delen.

Het nieuwe nest van de Kleine Marsus € 14,99
Het nieuwe nest van de Kleine Marsus

De familie Marsu bestaat uit Papa Marsu, Mama Marsu, Kleine La, Kleine Mi en Kleine Pi. Samen hebben ze een fijn en vredig leven. Tot de dag dat een vreselijke storm hun gezellige nest wegblaast. De Marsupilami's hebben geen huis meer. Ze moeten de jungle verlaten om op zoek te gaan naar een nieuw nest. Ga je met ze mee?

DevOps Continuous Deployment € 39,95
DevOps Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment is a holistic Lean production approach that aims to deploy and release continuous software in an incremental and iterative way, where time to market and high quality are of paramount importance. The word 'holistic' refers to the PPT concepts: People (multiple expert), Process (knowledge of business and management processes) and Technology (application and infrastructure programming. The incremental and iterative deployments enable fast feedback because errors are more likely to are observed in production of the CI/CD secure pipeline, making recovery actions faster and cheaper, leading to a waste reduction. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of treating Continuous Deployment based on a definition, business case, architecture, design, and best practices. Concepts that are discussed here are the change paradigm, the application of Continuous Deployment, a step-by-step plan for the systematic arrangement of Continuous Deployment and many patterns to allow deployments to take place. In this way you are quickly up to date in the field of DevOps developments in the field of Continuous Deployment.

DevOps Continuous Testing € 39,95
DevOps Continuous Testing

Continuous Testing is an approach that aims to provide rapid feedback in the software development process by defining the 'what' and 'how' questions as test cases before starting to build the solution. As a result, the concepts of requirements, test cases and acceptance criteria are integrated in one approach. The term 'continuous' refers to the application of test management in all phases of the deployment pipeline, from requirements to production. The term 'continuous' also includes the aspects People, Process and Technology. This makes test management holistic. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of treating Continuous Testing based on a definition, business case, architecture, design, and best practices. Concepts discussed are: the change paradigm, the Ideal Test Pyramid, test metadata, Behaviour Driven Development, Test Driven Development, test policies, test techniques, test tools and the role of unit test cases in Continuous Testing. In this way you are quickly up-to-date in the field of DevOps developments and in the field of Continuous Testing.

DevOps Continuous AI € 56,45
DevOps Continuous AI

The bottlenecks of CE value streams are located in the form of limitations (performance) and boundaries (functionality). These bottlenecks can be reduced or removed through AI application areas, such as using Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of the discussion of AI application areas for all published CE aspect areas. For each step of each value stream, it is indicated what the possibilities of AI are now or in the future. The value streams involved are: Continuous Planning, Continuous Design, Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Learning, Continuous Security, Continuous Auditing, Continuous SLA and Continuous Assessment. This gives you a tool to apply AI in your organization in a structured and effective way.

DevOps Continuous Monitoring € 56,45
DevOps Continuous Monitoring

Continuous Monitoring is an approach to get a grip on both core value streams (business processes) and enable value streams that support these core value streams. Continuous Monitoring differs from classical monitoring by its focus on outcome improvement and the holistic scope with which value streams are measured, i.e., the entire CI/CD secure pipeline for all three perspectives of PPT: People, Process and Technology. The approach includes People, Process and Technology, which makes it possible to identify and eliminate or mitigate the bottlenecks in your value streams. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of a discussion of the monitor functions defined in the continuous monitoring layer model. This layer model classifies the monitor tools available on the market. Each monitor archetype is defined in this book in terms of definition, objective, measurement attributes, requirements, examples, and best practices. This book also indicates how to set up Continuous Monitoring in your organisation based on the change manager paradigm and architecture principles and models. With this integral agile approach to monitoring, you have a powerful tool at your disposal to set up the controls for the control of your value streams.

DevOps Continuous Integration € 39,95
DevOps Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a holistic Lean software development approach that aims to produce and put into production continuous software in an incremental and iterative way, where waste reduction is of paramount importance. The word 'holistic' refers to the PPT concepts: People (multiple expert), Process (knowledge of business and management processes) and Technology (application and infrastructure programming). The incremental and iterative method makes fast feedback possible because functionalities can be put into production earlier. This reduces waste because defects are found earlier and can be repaired faster. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of treating Continuous Integration based on a definition, business case, architecture, design, and best practices. Concepts discussed here are the change paradigm, the application of Continuous Integration, use of repositories, code quality, green code, green build, refactoring, security-based development and built-in failure mode. In this way you are quickly up to date in the field of DevOps developments with regard to Continuous Integration.